

I really want to blog right now. I think it may be due, in large part, to the fact that I have a quality control assignment due in two days.

Things to note about this graph:

It is 100% to scale and accurate. My desire to blog really is at infinity right now.

My hair is aMAZing. Something like the hair of an Amy Adams + Brad Pitt + Taylor Swift love child.

My inability to draw a straight line is the only thing holding me back from an art major.

It is legit-ish copyrighted. Serious.



  1. You are amazing. My graph looks the same except "homework assignments"=laundry piles.

  2. Oh, and my hair isn't nearly as perfect ;)

  3. Haha - you both are sweet. And I don't what it is about chores and homework that make blogging 1000% (**accurate estimate) more appealing.


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