
Things that Make Jaclyn a Winner

A bazillion years ago.

1. She is the winner of the quiz I posted last week! Congratulations, littlej! Honorable mention goes to Erin
 SHAME on the rest of you for a lack of participation. I am soooo waggling my finger at you.

2. She has a blog. I love those.

3. She loves to eat.

A lot.
A fellow foodie <3

4. She is the only person who listens when I use Twilight analogies to explain my very difficult life.

5. She is known for her superb leadership skills.

6. If you asked about her favorite pastimes, she would probably say either
a) napping

b) riding trains

7. Jaclyn does not take to heat and a lack of food very well, but she is the sort of trooper who keeps on trucking anyways.

8. She is an expert High-Fiver.

If there is such a thing.

9. She is very good at making new friends.

10. She worked on Statistics homework instead of paying attention in German class for an entire year. If you had been in our German class, you might understand. What did you do for the other three years, Jaclyn???

11. She is well-skilled in the art of graffiti.

 12. She once walked fifteen minutes with me in the freezing cold to return a poster advertising a concert that I had  just stolen from the student center. Because I felt so guilty. [Lest ye judge, know that it was merely advertising a concert, there were many of them plastered all over the walls, and it was for a Joshua Radin concert. Also I brought my own stapler to staple it back up on the board.]

13. She is my prayer buddy. When you need someone to pray for you or around you or just pray, she is your girl.

14. She enjoys cleaning. Or at least she is really good at it.

15. She once made me a mixed inspirational music CD, including songs about loving your freckles and fighting the battlefields of love. If you are a little low on flower power, I am 99% certain Jaclyn can hook you up.

Thanks for being a winner, Jaclyn!

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