
Being Thankful

Do you have those days when you wake up in the sourest of moods? I do. I woke up in a foul mood and I was grumpy and quite frankly I feel like napping would have been a better alternative to...today.

When in this sort of mood, it's probably a good idea to try thinking about things that are going right. Because on days like this, 


it's easy to dwell on what went wrong. Let us instead look at the not wrong things.

Things For Which I'm Grateful Right Now

1. I figured out a paper topic for my graduate class! My professor actually liked my idea and said it was "controversial" [I didn't know automated manufacturing could be controversial].
Now maybe that doesn't seem so big, but when I'm hearing all these words and acronyms that stand for I do not know what (MES and ERP and XIOUSDF) [i made that last one up], I was starting to freak out. If I don't know what the acronyms mean, how could I ever figure out how to write a paper on one of them? It turns out all the other students were freaking out about it too. Anyways. Crisis averted.

now writing that paper...

2.  My li'l babies came back from the vet sans disease/pests. They were exposed to fleas while I was gone, so I took them to get checked out but they are all doin' great.

I'm also babysitting a friend's rat, Mike, and he. is. awesome. He licks my hand like a dog would. And he's so doughy and plush. 

I stuck cut up carrots and tomatoes in a paper towel and shoved it an old paper towel tube as kind of a treasure hunt treat for the rat'kins. They went crazy. I had to help Mike out a little bit, because he gave up, as the tube is very tricky, and then he got the paper towel tube stuck on his head. Bless his heart.

McFly attacking the roll of treats.
I searched madly for my camera, but since "moving in" is an ongoing process...I couldn't find it. Too bad - it was pretty hilarious.

Also, I saw this while at the vets office:


3. I got my probability homework done at least 5 hours before it was due. Kudos are in order.

4. We got the living room cleaned up! 

And by "cleaned up" I mean we moved everything into the hallway so my roommate's improv group had room to practice. So now it is time to "clean up" the hallway and then eventually move into my room...but that is for another day.

5. I successfully cooked today.
Well, "light cooking". I marinated meat and put it in the oven. Puhreeeetty impressive, if you ask me.

6. A friend let me borrow her GRE textbooks AND I got a textbook in the mail. Not that I will ever read it, of course, but I still love getting books.

Ok. My roommate's trying to stick a huge rat in a tiny rolley ball, so I think I have to go rescue the rat.


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