

I love this post by Jon Acuff, of Stuff Christians Like. I have a post I've really been wanting to write for a while, but I've been holding off until I really actually have the time (which isn't right now...thanks, Professor B)

Anyways, if you want something to read, read this.

Today I am thankful for the library. I know that is such a nerdy thing to say, but I remember when I was little, about 7?, I could not wait until I was 12 and could go to the library by myself. I would beg my mom to take me to the library, and I threw a hissy fit if I wasn't promised at least a solid hour. I generally left with about 18 books in multiple "Thank-You" bags [I wish that were an exaggeration, but eighteen is about right]. I think my mom was more embarrassed then proud...hah. And here I am - I am allowed to go the library any time I want. And believe me, I take full advantage. I spend entire nights here, even. Except when you're in college, going to the library doesn't hold quite the same appeal as it did when you were 12. Regardless, I love the library.


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