

Hey InterWebs. I know, I was barely out the door, and here I am again, knocking on your door begging you to listen to my stories. While I procrastinate.

I just wanted to share  a little piece of my life with you:  I was sitting in class yesterday listening to my adorable grad student teacher rattle on [she really is adorable - she did her final project on a simulation of the Bojangles here by the school because she hates that she has to wait so long on her cajun filet biscuit. HAH]. However, something started happening, setting off a chain of painful events.
   She is speaking, speaking, speaking WAIT...I don't understand. I missed something she said, I don't know what she means....and while I worry about that thing I don't understand, and as I rack my brain grapes trying to figure it out, I'm missing more and more of what she's saying. And then my chest starts to tighten [this really happens]...panic has set in. Breathing is becoming strained...my brain is short circuiting and my chest starts heaving. Suddenly, all these awful emotions start overwhelming me. I feel like I'm about to cry. It's all going to go downhill from here...I won't understand this one thing and before you know it I'll be completely lost and it will be like ST372 all over again. I withhold the tears and then move on to anger. What an awful teacher. How could she be so terrible. Can't breath, tears are welling up, I'm pouting....

OH! Wait, I get it now. I figured it out. So then I scurry ahead and keep working on my notes and the in-class assignment and peek over at the kid next to me to see if she's as far ahead as I am.

Oh. My. Goodness. Have you ever seen such a ridiculous nerd.

Today I am thankful for glasses! I love 'em. These are approximately what my new ones will look like. Nerdy and big, right? Mine will be more of a burgundy. Don't worry InterWebs, I'll show them to you as soon as they get here.


1 comment:

  1. ah! I hate that kind of panic attack! Mine would happen last semester in one of my german classes....ick. I'm glad you figured it out though! p.s. your new glasses are gonna be wicked cool!!!!


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