
We Do the Best with What We've Got

Oh InterWebs. I'm so pooped. And I've had enough cake in the past few days to last me a solid month. Here, I'll show you.

 Marcia and I made a cake for my friend.She recently accepted Christ, and since she's on the Jesus train - we wanted to go all out. And when you think Jesus, don't you think dinosaurs? Oh, I sure do. More eating is being done here than baking....>>

Here is the strawberry flavored cake in the awful smelly mold. My roommate got mad at me for stinking up the apartment. C'est la vie. My roommate also gets mad at me for being too loud. And for having too many alarms in the morning. But unless she wants to drive me to school, homegirl's gotta get her boot-ay up for the long bus ride.

TRex didn't like his cream cheese war paint. We do the best with what we've got.
Marcia likes to pretend she's FOB-by. Way to be stereotypical.

 I would make a great Stepford Wife.

Secrets don't make friends.

Marcia wants me to hang up my roommate's decorative whisk [??] and use my rats as cage dancers for the next rave I have over at my apartment. Oh, you are all invited.




     You know what? I've been thinking about my favorite type of people. Now - as Jesus commands - I love [or try to, rather] all my "neighbors." But there are certain people with whom I especially want to be friends, every single time. It is always the genuine, honest, passionate people.
     On passion: I LOVE people who love what they're doing. I don't care if you are cutting hair or getting your doctorate, but if you do it with integrity and passion, you have my respect and admiration. I would rather be friends with someone who could talk all day long about what they do, even if it's breeding iguanas, than be friends with an engineer or scientist or lawyer who just did the job and got the degree just because. I met so many "just because"-ers at my co-op. People become jaded. They settle. They keep a job they don't want because it comes with a car or because their spouses like the salary they make or because they simply never tried moving past their safety net. LOVE where you are and what you do. Especially if you know you're where God wants you. And then tell me about what you do. Passionate people warm my heart.
     On being genuine: People who are so real - I have a special love for those who are vulnerable and honest and open. As someone who wears her heart on her sleeve, I feel for the others that do. It's a blessing and it's a curse. Genuine, truly genuine people are sincere and honest - you do not doubt their integrity. But they tend to share and share, and it can leave them open to criticism. Are there ever people around you you want to protect from the world? I feel that way towards genuine people. True authenticity is beautiful and can be fragile. 
     On being honest: I think we're scared of honesty nowadays. We would rather sugar coat and spare feelings. And I do think honesty can be, at times, merciless. But honesty + mercy is beautiful. Sometimes, I'll even take honesty over mercy. People who are honest, who cut past the sugar coating and irrelevance, they get things done. They value truth. I love it. It isn't difficult to find out what an honest person really believes - no false modesty, pretenses, or games. Most of the time - honesty is what I want. All of the time - that is what I need.

This wasn't meant to sound like an eHarmony ad. I was just thinking about qualities I love and desire for my friends. And a lot of my friends are exactly these things. Today, I am thankful for the uplifting friendships with which the Lord has blessed me.

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