
TechniColor: Holidays and Colorful

Do you ever smile and feel a little lucky when you come across a great song that you just barely found? That's how I felt when I heard this song.

apartment therapy
peacock-inspired dinner table

via TOMBOYstyle

brown dress with white dots

J. Crew


inhabitat via  the hairpin

"put a plant on your plant!"

Kristian Schuller via a subtle revelry

"It works best if your name is Ainslay, but other names fit as well."
the hairpin

David Horvitz promises to do the most precious things for random amounts of money.
"If you give me $5 i will write down a memory I haven't thought about it a while and mail it to you. I will think really hard for this. I will only write down things I haven't thought about in over a year."

NieNie Dialogues

I love these homemade snow globes using old jam jars and glitter.

a wall on the kunsthof-passage  in dresden neustadt   via happiness is...
"a wall that plays music when it rains"

my two favorite food things are cupcakes and holiday food. this must be some form of synergy, right??

Princess Vader

a view through my lens

Things You Probably Won't Hear Me Say

Old Love
Anthony Michael Hall & Molly Ringwald

booooooom via buzzfeed
Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow
Top: a remake by Katie Jackson
Bottom: Mondrian

Milk via French by Design
a kid's corner and cots 

martha stewart
milk shots with sprinkles

hello, friend
sweet notes from a wife to her boo

via buzzfeed

how to get around slow walkers - it even worked on the elevator! haha

roseytsp via buzzfeed
my favorite holiday food. way better than the homemade stuff.

 artist soon young lee via colossal
miniature rooms and photos thereof

? via buzzfeed
the best mash-up

wit & whistle
a DIY painted mug that looks so simple i could do even do it. i mean, i obviously won't because i'm lazy, but it does look lovely, doesn't it?

artist: lisa solomon
a series of  beautiful representations of toxins and viruses

joey roth via awwwards
felt mouse

miss moss

menno manheim via most interesting libraries of the world

i love libraries.
truth: i went to my hometown's library for the first time in years yesterday. it was closed. i felt the keenest sense of disappointment and bitterness.

artist: Darrin Zammit Lupi via the atlantic
a glass bauble Christmas tree

a "like" song
"I've liked a lot of girls in my day, baby. And you , you are definitely another one of them."

via buzzfeed via facebook

have you guys heard of the new "girly" legos controversy?

my milk toof

The birth of Christ is the central event in the history of the earth -- the very thing the whole story has been about.

 -C.S. Lewis

Merry Christmas,



  1. i loved that video with the school portraits! so sweet!!

    p.s. Merry Christmas!!

  2. ron could totally take jack. just sayin.


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