
Applying My Education To Real Life Scenarios: Making My Parents Proud

Have you noticed Domino's new delivery tracking system? You can see what's happening in REAL TIME.[ish]. I'm going to have to email my automated manufacturing professor and tell him that this is a perfect example of a real time system - much better than my previous example of a pacemaker.

Look at all that education bein' put to good use.

You can even see who's making your pizza. GO DAVID GO! 

Also, there's a special place for specific delivery instructions when you order online. I entered, "sing loudly upon arrival." I'll let you know how that goes.



  1. Did they sing? That tracker is really cool. I want to try one of their new artisan pizzas, they look tasty. Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. There was no singing! Can you believe it?

  3. I always put in the delivery comments "The password is Batman" but I have yet to have anyone guess correctly upon arrival.


I appreciate your comments. I hit F5 repeatedly until someone comments.

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