
Out and About in Muench..en? in? I never get it right.

This weekend:

Friday night at the Hofbrauhaus. Hitler used to have meetings there, you know. Also, about 4/5s into our meal, these asian men came and sat beside us and began to offer us money if we chugged our beer while they took pictures.

We opted not to do that, but every time they tried to sneak a picture, we would just put our hands up and look away. Like celebrities.
Please respect our privacy.

Lovely girl.
You should know that that is half Sprite, half beer. Also, it took me over 2.5 hrs to finish it.

On Saturday, I went and visited the Pinakothek Moderne, the Neue Pinakothek, and the Brandhorst Museum. 

Just so you know, those little museum picture guards and I have serious beef.

I don't know if you could guess it, but I'm one of those people who always gets yelled at in those art museums. Those guards cheese my grits and irk my taters. They always make me feel like this evil art villain.
Guys - chillax. I'm not about to spit up my wad of gum and stick on your weird modern statue. (I shouldn't knock modern art, I really love it, actually).

This one lady and I almost got in a row. I was looking at a hanging on the wall, and she stepped up to me and indicated I needed to stand behind a line. Which I was. So I indicated I understood. However, apparently my sandal-clad toes were too close to the line.

But bRob was NOT giving in to this power trip. I was behind the line! So I stood there, ignoring the lady's fidgeting and aggravation, with my toes flirting with the edge of the line. I neither moved closer nor farther away, and I'm pretty sure I was wearing a smirk. I'm pretty sure she would have thwapped me over the head if she could have, that's what my dad always does when I'm being a smart aleck.


So I got yelled at for touching the "piece" above. What kind of nonsense is that?? Why would you put a sculpture in the middle of the stairwell if it isn't meant to be messed with? I just wanted to see if it moved...

InterWebs, I saw this and thought of you.

Eggs, Warhol

O open contradiction
The desire
to be no one's
under so many petals

I love Manet's faces.

On my way to the train station
I wonder if Vera ok'd this...

On Sunday I visited Dachau.

A "special prisoner" cell
What the barracks would have looked like

The barracks would have lined the "camp road" behind the poplar trees

The gas showers


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