
TechniColor: Just Hit Play

...because I included a lot of videos in this post. Don't worry, they're awesome.

Bless her little heart. 
Oh, but she tries...

suck UK via colossal

possibilities are endless with tetris sticky notes

click to see more incredible BTS shots: via

behind the scenes of Sesame Street

'A Gay Girl in Damascus' Blogger Kidnapped at Gunpoint in Syria
This is darker than the material I normally include in these posts,
but freedom of speech is not to be taken for granted.

packaging design  for organic beans by  Freddy Taylor

brown dress with white dots

men's shoes and skinny jeans

How bRob ended up yelling at the man operating the Y's front desk:

bRob: "Hi, I don't have my card. Is that alright?"
Guy: "No, where is it?"
bRob: "Um, at my house."
Guy: "You need to go back to your house and get it, ma'm."
[Did he just ma'm me?]

bRob: "Can't you just look me up on your computer?"
Guy: "No ma'm, you need to go back to your house."

bRob: "But I'm a member here, why can't you just look me up?"
Guy: "Where is your card?"

bRob: "At my house!"
Guy: "Well, you need to go to your house and get it."
bRob: "Oh, I get it, you're joking."
Guy: "No, you need to go get your card."

**This goes on for two more minutes, kind of like that, but more...repetitive**

Finally, bRob can't take it anymore:


Guy: "I'm just kidding, ma'm."
bRob: "..."

*bRob's  face went ...
like this, except for where she was a little more bug-eyed.*

bRob: "...oh. i'msorry."

*bRob speed walks off, Guy just continues laughing"

Song: Heartbeats by Jose Gonzalez

You guys know how I have an ongoing love affair with Subaru and the wonderful songs in their commercials,
but this commercial is beautiful.

not so humble pie

mini strawberry rhubarb pies - if only

via my modern met
Volkswagon Aqua, a hovercraft design concept by Yuhan Zhang

Artist Heather Benning via Escape Into Life
a barn converted into a life-sized doll house

People are often unreasonable and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
If you find happiness, people may be jealous. Be happy anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.
For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway

- Mother Teresa

dwell studio

i love studio apartments, in theory

Erin Hanson via sfgirlbybay

A series of reminders by photographer Erin Hanson

some of these are pretty amusing

see more at Oddity Central
this father dresses up every day in a different costume to wave his son off to school
i feel like that's something my dad might do...

update: This family's blog, wave at the bus, just happened to be the Blog of Note a couple days ago.

greenworks via contemporist

greenworks uses luscious plants to line green walls and furniture in order to "try to recreate our natural environment"

i like nerds

source via Penrose Dream

but heaveno has such a nice ring to it...


i definitely failed Mother's Day this year

Matthew Robinson and Tom Wrigglesworth via Flowing Data

two designers determine, by hand,  how much ink each font requires - read more

Shape-Shifting Cuttlefish Can Mimic Pictures 
that's pretty cool

Everyday Life of a Suburban Sahm

I've loved Alison Krauss for so long, 
and I love this song the most.

I know it looks a little dated, and the banjo intro's a little long, but stick to it - she has a gorgeous voice.



  1. ok, that tiny troubled ballerina is the funniest thing I've seen in awhile! Also, does that life-size dollhouse remind you of the dollhouse we built and attempted to wire in Physics? And how we dyed the carpet with kool-aid cause ooooobviously it needed to be a different color? Cause that's what it reminds me of.... :)

  2. Haha, the ballerina is hilarious, she's trying so hard too. Its a good effort.

    Also, I'm now going to have to buy tetris sticky notes, because they are so cool!!

    Lastly, I love that mother teresa quote.

  3. Can I also add that I went to some of the other blogs you got stuff from, and then went to some of those blogs blogs they got stuff from. It was awesome. I found some cool stuff.

  4. HAH - I'd totally forgotten about our koolaid carpet!! I was so proud of our house. I was still so mad that that one group had that fancy house - I swear their parents must have been carpenters.

    Sarah - blog stalking is ADDICTING. It's my favoritest thing, but tread lightly ;)

  5. Easton and I really enjoy your technicolor posts. He was especially a fan of the one with all the balls. Ba! Ba! Ba? BA!!!! I also liked "I'm a big girl, but this is a size Toyota!" and the Abe Lincoln quote. :)

  6. you don't know how happy it makes me that Easton likes the post =D


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