
The Cool of the Day

One of my favorite parts of the creation account is in Genesis 3:8:

"They heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day..."

Now this verse is post-Fall and takes a dark turn right after these words as it goes on to describe Adam and Eve cowering and hiding from God in their shame. But , just looking at this first portion of the verse, I love that the Lord was there, in the cool of the day, to walk with His children.

Whenever I go on walk, I always think about that verse. I think of the Lord walking with Adam and Even through Eden, and whenever I feel a sweet, sudden breeze, I think about the fact that He probably likes walking with me, too. 

Today I walked to the rose garden. It's a beautiful spot, and I can't even imagine how many kisses, hand-holding lovers, proposals, and weddings that garden has seen. 

Of course I just went by myself. I picked up some of the fallen petals laying on the ground. I love the smell of roses.

I thought I might press the petals or do something artsy with them.

Instead I sprinkled them on my roommate's bed. 



1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful verse and a sweet sentiment! Thanks for sharing :)


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