
Being Right

"It is nobler to declare oneself wrong than to insist
on being right - especially when one is right."
- Nietzsche
I hate being wrong. I hate stepping back in an argument, and knowing that I'm right but holding back near kills me. In that respect, this semester has been quite the growing experience. In the past I would have argued and argued relentlessly until I'd won.
However, I'm learning that preserving relationships is more important than always being right. Loving my neighbor, loving those around me like Christ loves them - these things matter more than proving someone wrong.
So I'm trying to pick my battles, use wisdom, and do things in love (1 Cor 16:14). I don't roll over should someone disagree with me, but I'm learning to let certain things go.
One of the girls in my Bible study spoke words of wisdom and encouragement the other day:  It is your job to present the Gospel; that's the most important thing. And if that means letting someone else be right when you know that he or she is wrong, then that's what you have to do. God sees what's happening and knows what you're doing is hard.


  1. I really appreciate this post! I know it's definitely a lesson I had to learn upon getting married--especially when it turned out I wasn't right as often as I used to think I was! It was a nice dose of humility that was hard to take at first, but I'd like to think it's helped me learn to be more Christlike.

  2. Man, you're right! It's like a giant ole slice of humble pie. Sometimes I feel like God karate chops me in the back of the knees with this humility stuff! I'm glad someone can relate =)


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