
TechniColor: Back Again

Tucson Weekly

aaaaand we're back!

handmade sticker wallpaper

Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.
- William Penn

a cup of jo
tutorial for galaxy nails

Have you heard about the failed Biodome experiment?
a fascinating project - more here.

almost makes me want to watch baseball. almost.

Life's little things that we can all relate to.
i appreciate those people.

Pie Pops
cherry pie pops

Pie Bite

The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they will always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be.
- Marcel Pagnol

via buzzfeed
a shark swims down the streets of Puerto Rico in the aftermath of Hurricane Irene

Tor Weeks via colossal

unruly things
make your own hand printed fabric gift wrap here

Gloria Marigo via my modern met
I can't stop looking at this girl's flickr - it's beautiful.

Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.
-Kahlil Gibran

Magdalena Szurek via colossal

Read about  a creative railroad renovation project [my modern met]. NYC opens the High Line Park - a park built on old elevated railroad tracks. 

  I would love to visit this park one day.

pretty bitter via apartment therapy
if i feel like it

How to Make Your Own Evil Plan

someone's a square...

free pictures for you
kind of a neat idea.

tommy hilfiger via black*eiffel

and that road rolls out like a welcome mat,
i don't know where it goes, but it beats where we're at
- lonestar

aquarium art  via my modern met

 [Brit. wallesia] a condition characterized by scanning faces in a crowd looking for a specific person who would have no reason to be there, which is your brain’s way of checking to see whether they’re still in your life, subconsciously patting its emotional pockets before it leaves for the day.

dictionary of obscure sorrows

Jiang Pengyi creates miniature urban desolation. [via colossal]

Luciana Val & Franco Musso via my modern met

via a cup of jo
Dinner in the Sky hosts dinners by hoisting tables, chefs, and customers up into the air on a giant crane. Would you do it?

connect design via hello, friend
cross stitch your own iPhone case

hither & thither




  1. I am commenting for two very very important reasons:

    1. LOVE City and Colour and especially LOVE that song "The Girl."

    2. You have an exam tomorrow and I am doing you a favor by commenting so you can stop pressing F5. (I know you may even continue to press F5 to see someone else post, so important reason #2 is just here to be here)

    These reasons are also listed in order of importance... So really #2 is not all that important at all. It came in last place and as mentioned above is just there to be there. Bottom line. LOVE City and Colour.

  2. Okay, so I am commenting here because you told me to, even though I don't really know how this works...

    Anyway, I was recently at the High Line over Labor Day! It's really cool (not temperature wise). They have this awesome ice cream sandwich cookie place and a really neat water feature that you walk through. For sure worth the trip.

  3. JN - haha. It's so sweet that you're watching out for me.

    Jenny - thanks for the forced comment ;) I definitely want to see it!

  4. I love that dog sticking his head out of the station wagon. So cute! Also- pie pops!


I appreciate your comments. I hit F5 repeatedly until someone comments.

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