
Not Laboring on Labor Day

Oh, Interwebs. Have I left you feeling neglected again?

I ditched you for some quality time with part of the fam[ily] at the beach, where I

slept in super late, went wave diving, tossed the frisbee around,  avoided showering like the plague [my hair was one step away from being dreaded when I got back this afternoon], studied for the GRE's...

You know, just doing the sorts of things people do at the beach.

I also photoslacked to the max, so, unfortunately, there isn't a whole lot of wave diving/frisbee tossing/GRE studying to show you.

I did catch these little gems on the way back, however:

what an original shot.
Music, sun, windows down, and my feet on the dash [sorry, mom!]

as delicious as it is unhealthy, but at least the coke was diet

i got at least 2 brain freezes eating  my extra thick chocolate blizzard with cookie dough. worth it.

Pops bein' Tim Gunn. "Make it work!!"

Also, I could not stop laughing at these commercials this weekend:

This is living.

Hi-LAHR-ious, right?

InterWebs, I hope you can forgive me for bailing on you this holiday weekend. We'll talk again soon.



  1. Dude, its wicked depressing to see you post things like an hour before I get to work! haha I want sleeeep.

  2. That's too small to be a real puppy. . . Hahaha


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