
Sacrificial Spring Break

I wanted to post a few pictures from the Spring Break adventure I mentioned forever ago...

I participated in Sacrificial Spring Break with a local church. In the morning, a group of sixty-ish college students went to a local middle school to help landscape, paint, and beautify.
btdubs, I've both cut and washed my hair since this photo was taken, so chill out.
In the afternoon, we split up to work on different service projects around the city.

My group, the rag-tag bunch pictured below, landscaped at a local community outreach center in the afternoon.  I was so impressed by the organization. The pastor, Royce (pictured on the left below), has such a heart for his community and serving them well.

I feel the need to mention that I have never actually been to Wisconsin, whatever my sweatshirt may (might?) say.
My bud Emily's group worked at a non-profit farm for the week. I kid you not. Right after this picture was taken, Emily and team got yelled at for playing with the livestock. Haaaaha, suckers.

I think our efforts to beautify the city was somewhat metaphorical for how God beautifies our lives or something like that, which is awesome, but as I am neither poetic nor one for metaphors, I chose to dwell on the fact that the Bible calls us to serve and love our neighbours. It was a great time to practice humility and using a servant's heart, or, if you don't have those (hi, that's me), pray for them.

There was so much community - it was wonderful seeing so many college students worshiping together. 

I think the following lyrics from Amazing Grace really resonated with our group (or bRob):

  When we've been here ten thousand years
bright shining as the sun,
We've no less days to sing God's praise
then when we've first begun. 

One day there will be no pain, no tears, and constant joy! Forever happiness, as the the Jesus Storybook Bible calls it. Worshiping whole-heartedly with that group made me think about the eternal future that awaits. 

There was lots of juicy goodness in that week, and it was by far the best Spring Break I've had. Granted, my last Spring Break involved getting my wisdom teeth removed....but, still...


PS - Several (ie two) of you have contacted me, concerned about the fairly lengthy haitus. Specifically, Grandma has expressed concern. Fear not, dear (two) readers (...Grandma et al), I will try to be more diligent about posting regularly.


  1. Dude, I was concerned about your haitus as well! So that makes several, for real. :)

  2. bahahaha your blog matters!! :)


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