
Hairrette's Montage


can you see broseph?

We were worried we wouldn't be able to find him. Luckily he sat right next to a Goliath. So I just looked for the really tall kid. 

J & Mom

someone's creepin'

J & Aunt Sue

Dad, J, & Tom

I think I suffer from little dog syndrome...whenever I talk to these kids, I feel like we're the same height and talking eye - to - eye. It's only when I look at photographs that I realize how much taller they are...

On the Jumbotron
[that is what it's called, right?]

Anyways, all this to say:

All the best, J.

On to bigger and brighter things- first high school, 



PS - on a completely unrelated note, does anyone have any theories as to what happened to the missionary at the end of Pirates 4? 

I went onto yahoo questions, but I didn't like the answers. I personally think she killed him. But I like dark endings in a movie...


  1. Thanks for posting the Pirates 4 spoiler :-(

  2. i promise you the movie is HARDLY spoiled.

    But Captain Jack Sparrow dies for good.

    Now the movie's spoiled.

  3. You are not a good person :'-(

  4. Nice touch with the B&W photo.

  5. the missionary dies. or potentially turns into a mermaid, depending on if there is a sequel or not.


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